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Summer bedroom decor tips to brighten up your mornings (and evenings)

13 Jun
Summer bedroom decor tips to brighten up your mornings (and evenings)

When the warmer weather hits, your whole house or apartment starts to feel very different indeed.

Coming from a time when all you wanted was colour, shades and decor to draw you in and provide a comfy night in, you suddenly enter a beautifully vibrant, warm period where you’ll feel like bringing the outdoors, indoors.

Because we spend so much time in our bedrooms, it seems sensible to focus some of your summer decor work on the room in which you rise and fall each day.

So, if you fancy bringing your bedroom to life this summer, here’s a few tips to get you started!

Go for pastel tones

What says ‘summer’s day’? Pastel tones!

If you haven’t implemented pastel tones throughout your bedroom already, the summer offers the most appropriate time to do so. It will also add a ‘shabby-chic’ feel to the room, making it perfect for any summer’s day or night.

Opt for mint greens, duck-egg blues and even pastel pinks to really make your bedroom pop this summer. And, while you’re at it, why not throw in some similarly coloured cushions and throws, too?

Make it airy

Chances are, you’ll be leaving the window open a whole lot more during the summer, which is why achieving an airy feel is vitally important.

If that means chucking out some old furniture or having a proper declutter – go for it!

Think about the space you have available in the bedroom and maximise it before you reach for the paint – this will really help create that all important summery, airy feel.

Don’t be afraid to go white – or coastal

If you don’t have the biggest bedroom in the world, there’s absolutely nothing wrong in opting for white as your wall colour of choice.

Combine it with bedding and other accessories that are striped nautically, and you’ll create something of a coastal theme which will work brilliantly during the warmer months.

Try bright colours

If you have a sense of adventure and neither white nor pastel colours quite do it for you, why not go ultra bright?

Summer is, after all, a time when colours pop out of everywhere!


Bold patchworks on your bedspreads and floral wallpaper are great examples of summer design themes that will work brilliantly in almost any bedroom.

Enjoy your summer decorating!

We hope we’ve given you plenty of inspiration above to create a beautiful, summery bedroom you can enjoy during the warmer months.

What’s more, you’ll probably find the decor will happily last long into the autumn and some of the winter, ensuring your hard work doesn’t go to waste!